There's several points of information to pass along, but first! Here are some pictures of National Public Lands Day where we attempt to look Quite Impressive in our reflective vests....
...very reflective vests indeed.
For those of you who weren't able to make it, we had a great time, despite the rain, getting to volunteer with one of our lovely local parks. And, for those of you more TV-savvy than me, keep an eye out for this new documentary: America's Best Idea. We got to watch a preview of it, and aside from being an absolutely beautiful visual display of the wild places of our own country, it's also a story of people, and the land that's a part of who they are. And it's pretty neat to see the CVNP featured in a Big Deal documentary like that.
So, to more business. Our next meeting is THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8th, at 7:00pm. PLEASE NOTE THE TIME CHANGE.
We moved the time down so that those of you who want to go trail-running can still go. Speaking of which, I got to run last week, and it was absolutely beautiful. For more information, check out the SRWC's website, or just run into the OASIS and sign up by noon of the 8th.
At the meeting, we will be discussing our upcoming camping trip, deciding on our food, and other important things. Please try to be there--or at least e-mail me if you cannot.
Also, as a reminder, dues are also due this Thursday.
And that's enough for now. Thanks so much, guys! See you Thursday---
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