To become a member of The Outdoor Adventure Club you must complete the following...
1) Be a student at The University of Akron (Undergraduate or Graduate)
2) Fill out the Liability Waiver and the Medical History forms which can be downloaded from these links. They should be returned to an officer at a meeting.
3) Pay the $30 in dues each semester
Members Must...
1) Send us an e-mail or tell us at a meeting your student ID, e-mail address, commuter or resident, and T-shirt size
2) Find us on Orgsync! (It's Free) It's a social network for University clubs and how we keep track of forms and our primary line of communication.This is where you sign up for events!
3) Have a Facebook account (It's totally free). This is so you can follow the group and show if you are attending events that will appear in a tab labeled EVENTS on the facebook group homepage.
4) Fill out a personal equipment list. This is to let us know what kind of trips you are prepared to go on and which trips we may need to rent gear. (This one is more of a helpful guideline than a necessity)
Also if you would be willing to offer your services as a driver the club would need a copy of your driver's license and insurance card.
Officer Positions:
If you are interested in an officer's position the club could use your help. Contact us if you are interested in possibly filling one of the following officer positions.
Vice President
Safety Officer