The Outdoor Adventure Club is a student organization at The University of Akron. We are apart of Club Sports stationed at the Student Recreation and Wellness Center. Any Student of The University of Akron, undergrad or graduate is welcome to join.
The purpose of this club is to provide opportunities for training and experience in outdoor sports and activities. With the very busy and stressful life of college the club aims to find the endless fun, adventure, and tranquility found in nature that is available to us all.
Outdoor Events that we do include a wide range of activities for all interests and skill levels from friendly picnics and campouts to die hard climbing and white water rafting. No matter who you are there is an outdoor activity you will love. Camping, Canoeing/Kayaking, Picnics, Climbing, Skiing, Whitewater rafting, Outdoor skill training, Mountain biking, Tobogganing, Hiking, Fishing, and much much more!
The Outdoor Adventure Club and Outdoor Adventure:
At the University there has been trouble distinguishing us from another organization on campus with a similar name. We are the STUDENT RUN Outdoor Adventure Club. The other UNIVERSITY RUN organization called Outdoor Adventure offers students training and trips for outdoor activities but it requires students to pay for certain activities. The Outdoor Adventure Club requires members to pay $30 per semester in dues but other than that the majority of activities and trips should be covered. If you sign up for a trip where we need to make a pre-paid reservation we also require a safety deposit in the form of the entire cost of the trip for one person. We will keep a total of $50 from this deposit and return the remainder to you upon your attendance of the trip. You will receive your $50 back after you complete one (1) fundraising event and one (1) community service event. The club is funded primarily through the university and we receive a certain amount of funding based on how much fundraising and community service we complete. Many people have attended one trip which costs the club more than their amount in dues and when we need people for our community service and fundraising they are not heard from. This hurts not only the club but the other members as well, which is why we had to institute this policy. Many times we will join the Outdoor Adventure staff on their trips and often times we get a discount because we are a student organization at the university.