No longer will you be jealous of the chilly cheeriness of these people, for you will get to live the tobogganing dream on Friday, February 27. It will be the stuff of legends.
We will meet outside the OASIS office on Friday, and we'll leave by 5:15 pm. (please e-mail me if this is a bad time and we can leave later). We will carpool to the Cleveland Metroparks Toboggan Chutes, and stay there until they close at 10:30pm, if we're into it. There is also a nearby chalet with fireplaces and cocoa, for all those who will need a warm respite.
If you want to go on this trip, I need to have your waiver information, emergency contact info, student ID# and phone number by the meeting on Tuesday, Feb 24th (at 5:30 in the Club Sports Office). You can e-mail me at mjl22@uakron.edu if I don't have this information already.
You are required to wear hats and gloves in order to sled, and I'd really recommend that you bundle up well. Regardless of the weather, the chutes are refrigerated, and you will have a numb butt by the end of the night unless you're prepared.
Can't wait to see you all there!
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