Saturday, October 16, 2010

Online Fundraising

The club has the oportunity to do some online fundraising through eFundraising. Every member can half a subpage on the fundraising site to give support for the club. I would highly suggest doing this because it seems to work well for other organizations. The OAC Fundraising page is at

There are incentives for you to do this. Like members that sell the most stuff on their page will earn prizes. Check it out. You can do it at your leisure, let people know (ie: work, school, family, etc.) The more people we let know about this the greater chances we have to earn money for the club.

If you are more of a people person and would like to sell a physical product around campus, like chocalate bars let me know and we should be able to work that out.

Thanks Everyone

P.S. OAC Movie Night is November 10th 7pm at the Student Union Theater. The Featured Movie is Without A Paddle.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Attension All Members!

Event sign ups are no longer on Blogger. To sign up for trips visit the club's facebook page. Here you can let us know if you are planning on attending, might be attending, or not attending the events. Hopefully this will be a much easier system to use so everything will flow much easier. For the time being polls will still be here on the website so everyone can vote on what times would be best for various events.

Also note that we have been having issues about people planning on attending but not attending the trip anyway which costs the club unecessary money. So to deter this from happening a demerit system will be initiated which will be discussed further in the future.