Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Orienteering Saturday

The first ever University of Akron campus Orienteering event will be offered Saturday March 28, 11 to 3 PM. Using a map and compass, you'll try to travel the most efficient route between about a dozen marked locations on a detailed campus map. For competitive athletes, you'll be making decisions about the best path from point to point while running hard for 15-30 minutes. The winner won't always be the fastest runner, but the person who can navigate and think clearly at speed. For those who don't want to race, orienteering can also be a relaxing way to add some variety to a leisurely walk, seeing areas you might not visit otherwise. Or try orienteering as a team, working with friends to keep track of where you are and where you're going. Racer or stroller, all are welcome! This is a great and convenient chance to try a new and exciting sport right here on campus.
There will be three courses - Beginner, Short, and Medium. Try one, or do them all! Registration is $5 / map (teams may want more than one map), and will be open March 28 from 11-2 outside the Student Recreation and Wellness Center. Starts can be any time from 11-3 (each entrant's start time is staggered so you don't just follow the person in front of you!). Instruction, maps, compasses to borrow, and information about orienteering in the woods will also be available. Sponsored by Recreation & Wellness Services, Outdoor Adventure and the Northeast Ohio Orienteering Club.

of the guy who is running it all. It explains Orienteering in more detail.

See you all there!

ALSO: Next Meeting is Monday, March 30th, at 5:30 in the Club Sports Office.

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